How I Discovered SFK

How I Discovered SFK

This is a story that had to be told. It's the story of a young boy who purely accidentally stumbled across Something for Kate and their music, and how his life was subsequently changed for the better.

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a warm summers day, a month or so before I had to go back to school. I had to get a haircut, my parents were making me and I wouldn't have been allowed to go back to school with it that long. I got my haircut at the hairdresser as any normal person would, but as I walked out the door, there was $20 lying on the footpath about 5 metres from the door (outside).
This was back in the days when I was only about 14 and this was a huge amount of money. I had no idea at the time what I would spend it on but I was ecstatic. This was a couple of days before I was about to go on one of those boring holidays with my family (you know the ones), so anyway, I went into Glenferrie (I don't know whether you'll know where that is). I went to a fine little second hand CD shop called 'Alley Tunes'. It was right outside the station and funnily enough I'd never noticed it there before. I went in and sifted through the bargain bin a bit. I didn't really see anything special but one CD which caught my eye was SFK's 'Elsewhere for 8 Minutes'. Surprisingly enough it was only $7 although I didn't know it at the time, it was the rare promo Advance CD of it. I was intrigued by it but not enough to pick it up straight away. I looked around some more in the CD shop but didn't find anything else I'd liked, otherwise I doubt I would have got 'Elsewhere...'.
I'd heard about Something for Kate a bit and had a couple of friends that liked them. I'd heard 'Captain' a couple of times I think but I barely remembered it.
I didn't listen to it until about a day or two later. It took a few listens through before I really started to get into it, I immediately figured that it was worth the $7. I listened to it heaps on the way up in the car on my holiday, and then heaps while I was on holiday. It really grew on me and tracks like 'Pinstripe', 'Captain', 'Prick', 'Glass Timing' and 'Soundczech' really stuck in my mind. I don't think the CD left my discman the whole time
... And The rest is history. Since then I've grown a bigger and bigger fan. I've now got all of their releases and many bootlegs, I see them live every chance I get.

A few questions keep coming up. So here they are:

Hey Stu, can I get a copy of that killa font you use that looks like Paul's handwriting?
No actual font exists, this is actually Paul's handwriting which he manually writes out for every release. I scanned the writing off a tour poster and various promos. I then picked out the individual letters and pieced them together to form the words I wanted. It's quite a tedious process but nothing anybody can't do.

Can I give you money for your bootlegs?
I'm hardly one to maintain a high level of morals, but some you have to keep. NO, I trade bootlegs, I will not accept cash. As tempting as it is, I cannot accept profit from the hard work and talent of Paul & Co., it would undermine their talent and my support of them. Right now I don't have the time to do B&Ps or 2:1s or anything like that either I'm afraid.

Thanks to anyone who's visited this site and is a sfk fan, especially those who have signed the guestbook and emailed me showing their support, and to those I've met at gigs and such. Your encouragement is what has made this site happen. Extra Special thanks go to Something for Kate (Paul, Clint, Julian, Toby, Stephanie) who's music has inspired me enough to put in the effort.

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